10 Opponents For Christian's One More Match

9. Christopher Daniels

Christian has spent the vast majority of his wrestling career in WWE and TNA, but in the summer of 2006 he had a cup of coffee in Ring of Honor, and in both of his ROH matches, the Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels, was on the other side of the ring. It was appropriate; the two men are not only similarly sized, but have also shared a similar aesthetic over the years. It wasn€™t just the hooded entrance gear, either; both were showmen to the core, using their natural powers of charisma to build devoted, cult-like followings. Christian won his first ROH match in May, teaming with Colt Cabana against Daniels and his partner, Bryan Danielson (who would go on to become Daniel Bryan) and pinning Daniels for the victory. Daniels returned the favor, however, as he defeated Christian in singles action in July, after which Christian returned to TNA. As such, Daniels would be a perfect opponent for Christian€™s independent wrestling retirement match; the story writes itself and the action between the ropes would be well worth the price of admission.

Miles Schneiderman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.