WWE: 10 Opponents For Brock Lesnar’s Traditional Extreme Rules Appearance

3. Seth Rollins

Once labeled as the performer who would be the odd man out after the inevitable dissolution of The Shield, Seth Rollins has made WWE's brass and audiences take notice of his enormous potential. In recent weeks he's been the member of the trio who's most stood out, thrilling crowds with his ring work, especially his suicide dives. He wrestles at an breakneck pace and always puts on a show. In the same vein as the previous angle, when Reigns doesn't back down, Rollins can pull him away, only to be attacked from behind by Brock. The Shield can run him off, but Rollins is hurt and angry. The next week he challenges Lesnar to a match at Extreme Rules. He cuts a promo admitting that he hears the rumors and knows he's viewed as the third wheel and this is his chance to show what he's made of. If he can't beat Brock on his own he doesn't deserve to be in The Shield, so he puts his spot on the line. Then you can make it a ladder match with his flak jacket (or glove, whatever Shield symbolism you want to use) suspended above the ring. The idea behind the stipulation is a little contrived but it's basically just an excuse to have Brock throw Seth into and off of a ladder for 20 minutes. This matchup provides the opportunity for some crazy spots and could make Rollins a superstar. With the right booking, he has the potential to be a Chris Jericho type perfomer for WWE, and Lesnar beating him to death with a ladder before Seth pulls off a crazy dive to grab the jacket for the victory would be gigantic.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.