10 Other Wrestling Figures Netflix Need To Make A Documentary Series About

7. Ashley Massaro


This certainly would not be a pleasant documentary. Still, if Netflix weren't too concerned with possibly souring their relationship with WWE, then it is an important one that needs to be told.

The tragic death of Ashley Massaro was one that took everyone by surprise. Fans had not seen her for quite some time and were reminded of her presence with fondness. That was until her affidavit became public, detailing not only the awful treatment the company gave her but some horrendous acts on a tour of Kuwait that should not be spoken of.

While it is very likely that the wonderful Vice series Dark Side of the Ring will one day take an interest in telling this story, it is the kind of thing that needs to be seen by as many people as possible, so Netflix could be the right people to do it.

It is not only a cautionary tale for those who want to be a part of the business, but it is a significant indicator of the vile treatment that WWE places its female employees under, so the more people who know this experience, the better.

Ashley Massaro deserves to have her story told, and it is awful that she cannot do it herself.


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