10 Other Wrestling Figures Netflix Need To Make A Documentary Series About
8. Andre The Giant

Andre was a man like no other, and WWE has really explored this in their documentary about him. But taking it forward into the mainstream could be another excellent opportunity to take an unbiased look at a man who deserves to be talked about.
The previously stated collaboration between WWE and HBO that documented the life and career of this unbelievable presence did a fantastic job, and Netflix would likely be able to approach it the same way but bring it to a different audience. Some things that could make it stand out are a focus on the most significant issues that the giant faced, such as his condition of acromegaly, which caused his gigantism.
Netflix making a documentary series about this man could allow for far more detail and discussion to go into the legacy and reputation of the pro wrestling star, and bring his name into a mainstream platform full of people who have only heard of him through reputation.
The service reaches so many viewers and could help many people understand what made this man so big, outside of his size.