10 Other Wrestling Figures Netflix Need To Make A Documentary Series About
5. Owen Hart
Dark Side of the Ring is a fantastic show, and it has shed an utterly ridiculous amount of light not only on the subjects that it tackles but the toxicity of the business as a whole.
The most outstanding achievement that this series has produced was the two-part documentary about the life and death of Chris Benoit. The special attention given to this story was terrific, but it is a shame that the discussion of Owen Hart didn't receive the same amount of time and attention.
Taking the tragic death of Owen Hart and making a full Netflix documentary about it could not only bring the case into the mainstream, but it would let people see the extent of WWE's negligence. Furthermore, it would allow more closure for the family that Hart left behind, and bring in money for the charity that they have created in his name.
The career of Owen Hart and the manner of his death is a subject that Netflix could use well to generate an emotional and insightful story.