10 Other Wrestling Figures Netflix Need To Make A Documentary Series About
4. Paul Heyman

If you are making a series about Vince McMahon, then it also makes sense to talk about someone who led a rival to his company. Ted Turner would be a great choice, but it is highly likely that he will be discussed at length in one of the episodes in the McMahon series, so perhaps instead we could turn to a certain company from Philadelphia.
Heyman is a considerable presence in the wrestling landscape, who made his name in a time when it was thought to be a one on one war between Turner and McMahon. He created a niche and genuinely made his small, low-budget company relevant to the point that even WWE paid attention.
Watching a series that discussed the management of ECW and the life of Paul Heyman would be fascinating for fans, and casual viewers could learn about the brilliance that was Extreme Championship Wrestling.
In addition to this, the mic work that Heyman would do in such a documentary would likely be entirely worth the monthly subscription cost in itself, especially if he was given a chance to have free rein over what he could say.