10 Other Wrestling Figures Netflix Need To Make A Documentary Series About
3. Macho Man Randy Savage

If you want a series that depicts a person whose personal life was just as insane as their on-screen persona, then it seems like Randy Savage would be the perfect avenue. Netflix could take the popular star and explore him in full detail, discussing all of the highs and lows of his career and relationship with WWE.
Like Warrior, Savage had a rather tepid relationship in the years that followed his otherwise amicable departure. There is also plenty of speculation surrounding some dark secrets that the Macho Man kept, and Netflix could look into these to generate something entertaining and enlightening.
Randy Savage leaves behind a brilliant legacy, and a series that examines this in detail could either add to the mystique of this performer or reveal some unknown truths that make his life all the more shocking and wild.
Plenty of non-wrestling fans and casuals know of the Macho Man, and thus it would have viewers all over.