Face paint and wrestling go hand in hand. Even going as far back as the early days of professional wrestling, face paint has been one of the many tools used to create new characters with just one person. For some, the face paint is there to just look cool. For others, its a part of their characters own identity, and sometimes that identity can be pretty weird; in fact it can be downright creepy. Some face paint designs are just one shade while others are a multitude of colors and designs that take a very long time to put on. Professional wrestling is a form of art, and in art you can expect to see some pretty outlandish characters. In professional wrestling, the most odd looking face paints that are forever engrained in the minds of fans young and old are the ones that manage to withstand the test of time. Some of them look cool while others look like they came right out of a horror film. Here are just ten of the creepiest professional wrestlers who had face-paint that would make a man quiver in his boots. You certainly dont want to find yourself standing in the opposite corner of any of these men.
10. Papa Shango
To some, Papa Shango might be more goofy than creepy. But in a pitch black alley in the middle of the night, if that ghost white face with skeletal features and blackened eyes appeared, youd probably run and hide. That was what many kids felt like doing when Shango made his way to the ring. Along with plenty of accessories and props, Shango made it his personal mission to scare not just the fans, but the professional wrestlers he got into the ring with. If his look wasnt intimidating enough, then his ancient voodoo magic would certainly bring fear into the hearts of even the bravest warriors. Little kids during the nineties who saw Papa Shango live, or in person, creep his way close to them had more than enough nightmare fuel to give them many sleepless nights. One could say that he was the prototype Boogeyman (more on that guy later) who knew how to make the fans feel uncomfortable. Shango, played by Charles Wright, would eventually ditch the ceremonial witch doctor attire and adorn pimpin attire that would make him an even bigger star during the Attitude Era. Its a good thing he didnt keep the face paint. Creepin aint easy!
My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.