10 Pairs Of Wrestlers Who Would've Made Great Tag Teams

6. Heidenreich & Vladmir Kozlov

Tag Team Name: The Eastern Block. Ideal Feud(s): The World's Greatest Tag Team. Although John Heidenreich is American, his name is certainly Eastern European sounding and, even if he couldn't pull of the accent, he could at least use an Eastern European heritage or background to justify his teaming with Vladmir Kozlov. The theme here could be two mentally unstable Eastern European bricks - in the mould of Dolph Lundgren's Ivan Drago from Rocky IV - whose in-ring performance was all about power moves. Their insanity would make them even more dangerous than their strength and combat prowess and they could come complete with a "we hate America" theme to draw the heel hatred from crowds. They could feud with the World's Greatest Tag Team - Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. Both men are American through and through, which would create a rivalry by default, but the fact that they call themselves "the world's greatest" would be something Heidenreich and Kozlov would want to dispute - and the contrasting styles (Haas and Benjamin are excellent in-ring technicians) would compliment each other beautifully.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.