10 Pairs Of Wrestlers Who Would've Made Great Tag Teams

5. Mr. Perfect & Dolph Ziggler

Tag Team Name: Absolute Perfection. Ideal Feud(s): Strike Force. Both technically gifted, both with long flowing blonde locks and both having high opinions of themselves, Mr. Perfect and Dolph Ziggler would have made a great tag team. Their in-ring styles go together perfectly and their smug promos would undoubtedly bring a lot of heat from fans. A great feud for them would have been the equally gifted Strike Force (Rick Martel and Tito Santana). They were also a team played off as pretty boys and they were equally as talented in the ring. It would make for an excellent technical and high-flying rivalry and some kind of fight over a girl would no doubt be involved in the storyline. In this instance, Strike Force could play the faces to Absolute Perfection's heels, as they were generally far more capable of coming across as genuinely likeable.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.