10 People In Wrestling That Still Hold A Grudge Against CM Punk

6. Corey Graves

WWE After The Bell Corey Graves

Corey Graves holds some animosity and bitterness towards Punk for how he handled his exit from WWE. It came to light after Punk lost to Mike Jackson at UFC 225 in his second fight, with Graves laying into him with multiple tweets:

"Maybe abandoning everybody who stood by your side, even when we weren’t supposed to, only to have you turn your back on us wasn’t the right move after all? No anger. Only sadness. Awww. Seems the “fans” are disappointed. Maybe you guys should know that “That Dude” held my first son before I did because I was on tour and I trusted him. The first rule of “punk rock” is loyalty, and this guy betrayed it all. I still love you, “friend” and I’m sorry you got lost. I’m just really bummed that I had a true friend turn his back on me for no other reason than the company that employs me."

When asked to clarify what he meant with his comments on Punk, Graves stated:

"It kinda shocked me when I texted him about grabbing dinner because we were in Chicago and he told me he no longer had any interest in being friends with me or anybody related to WWE. I’m simply hurt/p*ssed off that a guy that I looked like as a big brother-type has turned his back on me and everyone that loved and supported him only because of the name on my paycheck. I’m definitely not the only one. I won’t name names, but there is a large group of us to this day that inexplicably lost a solid friend because of where we work."

Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.