10 People In Wrestling That Still Hold A Grudge Against CM Punk

7. Ryback

Ryback CM Punk

Another grudge related to CM Punk’s Art of Wrestling appearance with Colt Cabana. On it, the Straight Edge Superstar verbally went after Ryback, venting about the difficulty working with him in the ring, suggesting he was unsafe and characterising him as a “steroid guy” who “took 20 years off my life.”

Ryback strongly denied the accusations and has expressed his own aversions to working with Punk. When asked who his least favourite performer to work against was Ryback replied: ‘Punk, it was like working a 90-year-old Karen.’

Ryback recently commented on a social media video of Renee Young, Punk, Becky Lynch, and Paige on WWE Backstage with ‘4 bad ass b*tches’. Asked why he commented with that line, Ryback said:

"I just call it like I see it. Colt Cabana has come up to me and shook my hand and apologized for having anything to do with any of that because it was absolute bullsh*t. Until Punk does, I will continue to take my shots left and right. I’ve talked well about him more than I even have the right to on the things that he’s done. That guy single-handedly caused a lot of people to not like me."

Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.