10 People WWE Should Remove From The Hall Of Fame

3. Donald Trump

Ultimate Warrior Hall of Fame

The current POTUS' credentials for being inducted into a wrestling - or at least, WWE - Hall of Fame are arguably more substantial than those - or lack thereof - which ultimately inaugurated him into The White House.

Trump's association with Vince McMahon dates back to 1988, when the outspoken tycoon agreed to host WrestleManias IV and V at the crumbling Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, NJ. Almost two decades later, the billionaire battled with fellow moneybags Mr. McMahon via proxy at WrestleMania 23, making the pair bags more in the process. His most recent appearance for WWE saw him 'purchase' Monday Night Raw, and like the magnanimous philanthropist he is, he delivered on his promise to fans of one week of commercial-free programming.

Trump was inducted into the 'celebrity' wing of the Hall of Fame, three years before his wildcard political ambitions caused de-icer stocks to sell out in Hades. WWE's decision to pay homage to unequivocally the most divisive President in the United States' history, one loved and loathed in equal measure with few possessing an opinion in between, has become very awkward in hindsight, with their commercial partners demanding they remain strictly apolitical.

And that's before considering 45 attained office on a platform of implicit racism, dog whistling the alt-right out into the open. Subsequently placing a moratorium on Muslims entering the US and referring to African nations as 'sh*tholes' has not defined Trump as someone a global corporation should have anything to do with.

WWE are fully aware how schismatic the bellicose businessman is, and stopped short of congratulating his election victory on TV. But it's no secret that Trump is a close friend of the McMahon family; he appointed matriarch Linda to his first cabinet, proving cronyism is still the most effective way into power. He won't be taken out of the Hall any time soon - but we probably won't hear much more about him on their programming until at least next September.

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Editorial Team

Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.