10 Perfect Challengers For New US Champion Alberto Del Rio

1. Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn should be ready to return to action any time now if recent updates are to be believed, and having him return to NXT just feels redundant at this point, especially after his incredible showing against John Cena earlier this year. Instead, he should come straight to the main roster and once again take aim at the title he came so close to winning before being put on the shelf with an injury. The fact that both Zayn and Alberto Del Rio utilise lucha style moves would obviously lead to an interesting mixture of styles in the ring, and these two stealing the show feels like an inevitability. This is rivalry which obviously works best with Del Rio as the heel, and borrowing from the Zayn/Cesaro NXT storyline for this one definitely wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to make this a compelling feud. If you'll allow to me to fantasy book this one for a moment, WWE Creative should have Zayn end up with the United States title and pit him against Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens in a sure to be absolutely epic match at next year's WrestleMania to unify the titles and bring their storied rivalry which started in NXT to an end. In the meantime though, Del Rio vs. Zayn would be pretty damn cool!

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