10 Perfect Challengers For New US Champion Alberto Del Rio

2. Cesaro

You have to feel for Cesaro. Every time he starts gaining some serious momentum, it feels like the WWE snuffs it out, and he's right now once again back in the lower midcard and seemingly on the verge of feuding with Stardust and The Ascension (that should be...terrible?). However, the company can quickly change that and once again get fans back on his side by sending him straight into a programme with Alberto Del Rio. Again, the fact that there's history between the Swiss Superman and Zeb Colter - don't forget that Cesaro walked out on him to become a Paul Heyman Guy the night after WrestleMania 30 - opens the door to some potentially very interesting storytelling possibilities, and it would be a nice bit of continuity to see that followed up on in some form here. Regardless of whether or not that happens though (and let's face it, it seems like WWE Creative can barely remember what happened last week most of the time), putting the desperate to succeed Cesaro in the ring with the amped up returning Del Rio is a recipe for greatness.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.