10 Perfect Challengers For New US Champion Alberto Del Rio

9. Christian

Christian's WWE status is unclear as of right now. The fan-favourite Superstar has denied reports that he's retired, but rumours point to his history of concussions and/or a lack of interest from WWE Creative being the main reason why he isn't on TV. If Christian is going to have "One More Match" before a well deserved induction into the Hall of Fame though, Del Rio would be a stellar choice of opponent. These two had one hell of a battle for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship a couple of years back and have a proven history of working well together in the ring as a result. If Del Rio is going to be a heel (a role he was arguably always best suited to), then him being the one to retire Christian upon his return would generate a ton of heat and ensures that Captain Charisma ends his career on a high. Unfortunately, Christian's apparent health issues may put a stop to this one becoming a reality, but here's hoping things change on that front as a match between these two would be no doubt extraordinary.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.