10 Perfect Challengers For New US Champion Alberto Del Rio

8. Daniel Bryan

If one recent report is to be believed, Daniel Bryan has been cleared and given the green light to return to the squared circle. Seeing as his last two title runs have tragically been cut short by injury, it's probably going to be a while before WWE brass feels comfortable putting another belt around the waist of the leader of the Yes Movement, but that makes him no less perfect an opponent for the new United States Champion. Alberto Del Rio and Bryan have had many a fantastic match in the past, with their respective submissions and high flying kicks making for a great blend of action. For the concussion prone Bryan, Del Rio is also a fairly safe choice of opponent after he was thrown into matches with rougher Superstars like Sheamus following his Intercontinental Championship victory at WrestleMania. Del Rio's return was an awesome and unexpected surprise, but having the heel champion be interrupted by a returning Bryan to play the underdog and attempt to put the cocky Superstar in his place has a pretty solid narrative to it which WWE Creative should be able to run with in order to deliver a compelling midcard feud. Even if Bryan doesn't emerge victorious, Del Rio would build heat and we'd get some great matches out of it.

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