10 Perfect WWE Matches For A Returning Roman Reigns

2. John Cena

Every generation, there comes a talent who stands head and shoulders above everyone else. A talent that everyone can see is fit to carry the company on his shoulders into whatever the next era may hold. Hulk Hogan had it, €œStone Cold€ Steve Austin developed it, and from day one it was clear that WWE saw something similar in John Cena. While he lost in his first match against Kurt Angle, he took the Olympic Gold Medalist to the limit, and earned the respect of the locker room, including The Undertaker. Roman Reigns is that talent for a new generation. It€™s been a long time since someone has come along with the look, charisma and pedigree of Roman Reigns and anyone can see that he€™s being groomed for the role of top dog within WWE. It€™s only a matter of times before he€™s one of, if not THE reason people tune into WWE, but what will the current €œface of the WWE€ John Cena feel about being replaced by a new young stallion? John Cena€™s character has gone through this weird, nebulous transformation over the past few years. He€™s now calling himself €œThe face that runs the place€ and declaring himself the standard-bearer of the WWE. He recognises his own mortality, and is actively challenging the next generation to come take a shot at him. It€™s a really interesting character development, and if it€™s intentional, WWE could some really interesting places with it. John Cena doesn€™t need to turn heel, but a shift away from the WWE World Heavyweight Championship picture, into the role of €œgrizzled veteran€ could be just the shift his character needs. It seemed this was the way he was going after he lost to Daniel Bryan, and again when he feuded with Bray Wyatt, but each time he was dragged by into the title picture. A feud with Reigns could be the best thing for both me, and send them both towards the next chapter of their careers.

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