10 Popular Wrestling Debates That Need To Die

4. Should Women's Wrestling Go Backwards?

Adam Cole Muscles

OK, granted, people don't word it quite like that when discussing the merits of ye olde "Divas" scene. That's because anyone who clamours for the return of gravy bowl/jelly/pillow fights/bra and panties etc doesn't view a comeback for those match types as "backwards".

No, they often reason that such distractions were part of the cherished 'Attitude Era' and are thus essential to any product that aims to replicate its charms. The problem? Stars like Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Bayley and the like deserve better. Much better.

They've worked hard for equality, and they richly deserve respect for it.

One would rather watch Becky and Charlotte steal the show by putting on a heated in-ring clinic for 25 minutes than see them fight with pillows. That'd be a complete and utter waste of their talents. Face it, women's wrestling has moved on for the better and it should never go back to the days of Sable, Debra etc.

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Adam Cole
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.