10 Popular Wrestling Debates That Need To Die

5. Why ‘Wrestler A’ Didn’t Get To Be World Champ

Adam Cole Muscles

There's this notion that every good-to-great wrestler should be World Champion, and it p*sses this fella right off. In his mind, becoming WWE or AEW World Champ should never be a given even if you happen to possess insane in-ring skills or incredible charisma on the mic.

Only a chosen few should get to hold that prize.

That's why those belts are prestigious in the first place, surely. When Cesaro left WWE, countless comments littered Twitter bemoaning the lack of a WWE or Universal Title run. Why? What would a short stint in the championship hot seat have done for the guy? Does anyone talk about Jake Hager's unremarkable World Title run in 2022?

Some of the best workers ever didn't get to hold WWE's richest prize. Scott Hall didn't get it, neither did Curt Hennig, and Ted DiBiase was also overlooked in the end. F*ck, even Roddy Piper failed to get his hands on the thing himself. That doesn't invalidate the impact these wrestlers had.

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Adam Cole
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.