10 Popular Wrestling Debates That Need To Die

2. It’s WWE Or AEW

Adam Cole Muscles

Well, isn't this just childish?

No WWE story can go live without at least a handful of comments like, 'WWE sucks. Watch AEW'. Similarly, any AEW link is followed by a bombardment of fans showing blind loyalty to Vince McMahon for no particular reason.

These people should know one thing: YOU ARE ALLOWED TO LIKE BOTH ORGANISATIONS.

WWE and AEW serve up different positives and negatives to both enjoy and dislike. Sadly, the tribalism which exists in wrasslin' makes some believe they need to pick a side and stick to it.

This ridiculous self-limiting is rotten. Imagine it happened in your every day life; pass a McDonald's, but you can't grab a McFlurry because you had a Burger King earlier that day. Nobody thinks like that, hopefully, so why does it happen in wrestling?

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Adam Cole
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.