10 Positives Heading Into WrestleMania 32

2. Roadblock

Okay, so looking back, Roadblock may not have been the most surprising of shows. But deep down, did we really expect Dean Ambrose to capture the WWE World Heavyweight Championship so close to WrestleMania? Probably not, but that doesn€™t change the fact that the WWE did a great job of making us believe that it was actually going to happen. From Triple H selling Dirty Deeds on Raw like he€™d taken a bullet to the head, to the eventual Dusty finish in the match itself, there were a number of moments in which everyone could be found guilty of allowing themselves to believe€”just for a moment€”that Dean could pull it off. And that kind of suspension of disbelief is such a rarity in the WWE these days. People will continue to complain that the WWE is too predictable, but I€™d imagine those same dissenters were on the edge of their seats right through the Ambrose vs. Triple H title bout. And remember€”this show was a complete bonus. All in all, I€™d say it was a memorable detour on this year€™s Road to WrestleMania.

Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.