10 Positives Heading Into WrestleMania 32

1. Edgier Programming

For years, it seems, WWE fans have been clamouring for a return to the €˜edgier programming€™ that preceded the PG era. And while I€™m certainly not saying we€™ve left the days of PG behind, there€™s been a noticeable shift in recent weeks towards a somewhat less sanitised product. From the use of blood (albeit it fake blood) during Triple H€™s massacre of Roman Reigns, to Vince€™s weekly quest to slip some kind of profanity into his promos, there have been plenty of signs of a switch to a more€”dare I say it€”attitudinal product. Brian Alvarez even touched upon it on an episode of the Wrestling Observer Live, although he didn€™t elaborate on why we€™re seeing this subtle change. Either way though, it€™s helped inject some life into proceedings and at a time when it€™s needed most. Perhaps it€™s a sign of things to come, should Shane accomplish the impossible and leave WrestleMania victorious? Or perhaps it€™s just a ploy to suck us in and believe a significant change is coming, before ultimately fizzling out and leading to nothing. Yeah, I€™m going to go with that option.

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