10 (Possibly Untrue) Reasons Roman Reigns STILL Wears SWAT Team Gear

10. He Still "Believes" In The Shield

One week after The Shield broke up via Seth Rollins' steel chair-assisted act of treason against Roman Reigns, it would've been pretty sweet if Reigns had been allowed to cut a promo with a jeans and t-shirt wearing Dean Ambrose who was set to burn his SWAT team gear in the middle of the ring. All Roman needed to say is that he wasn't going to "burn his colors," because he "would always believe." The idea that Reigns is an outlaw who fights injustice would've played well into this year's Wrestlemania push. Deciding that he hated how Brock Lesnar was never on television and threatening to leave with the strap, he'd have more than just cause to be a SWAT-gear wearing bad ass. However, that sadly did not happen.
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Roman Reigns
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Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.