10 Potential WWE WrestleMania 36 Opponents For John Cena

7. Daniel Bryan

John Cena Daniel Bryan

Babyface vs. babyface here, or is it?

Daniel Bryan's return from the heel dark side was facilitated by Bray Wyatt's apparent need to change everyone he comes into contact with in some way. Admittedly, that'd make a match with John Cena a much harder sell for WWE than it would be if D-Bry was still droning on about being the 'Planet's Champion' and encouraging everyone to wear hemp.

Actually, that fits in nicely with JC's relentless merchandise ideas. If WWE don't mind putting a heelish spin on Daniel for a month or two, then they might be able to capitalise on Cena's rainbow procession of t-shirts that steal money from parents who only want to make their kids happy at shows.

Bryan, who recently launched an eco-friendly shirt onto the marketplace, wouldn't approve of Cena's hats, shirts, wristbands or anything else he was pushing from merch stalls near you. "Never Give Up"? Yeah, never give up peddling merch that harms the environment.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.