10 Potential WWE WrestleMania 36 Opponents For John Cena

6. Braun Strowman

John Cena Braun Strowman

Braun Strowman couldn't look happier as the new Intercontinental Champion. His proud grin in promo pics tells the tale of someone who is just glad he finally has that first WWE singles belt under his, well, belt. His proud-as-punch smile would turn to a defensive grimace if John Cena came knocking and tried to win a title he's never held.

No, Cena has never once held that IC prize.

That's an angle WWE could take with Cena vs. Braun. Seeing happy champ grow angry as a returning part-timer tried to steal his thunder would be fun, and it'd give Strowman something more meaningful to do at WrestleMania than he's ever had to date. Plus, they'd likely have a better match than some expect.

Sure, it was aeons ago, but Cena did pull worthwhile matches out of lumbering giants like The Great Khali and Big Show before. Braun can move better than both those guys too, and he'd surely be motivated by the prospect of facing Cena on the biggest show of the year.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.