10 Potential WWE WrestleMania 36 Opponents For John Cena

4. Adam Cole

John Cena Adam Cole

When he was United States Champion, John worked absolute belters with NXT call-ups like Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. That allowed WWE's commentary teams to talk up the then-developmental brand and put it over as an emerging generation that'd solidify the promotion's future.

That generation has blossomed during Cena's absence, the future is now, and NXT is now on par with Raw and SmackDown as a bonafide third brand. What's more, the Full Sail team have a hungry roster of talented workers who pride themselves on stealing the show. There'd be nothing wrong with some 'New Generation' vs. 'Old Guard' fare in Tampa.

Yep, Adam Cole bay-bay.

Some online will have a meltdown at the mere thought, and yet John Cena vs. Adam Cole sounds tastier than it should. If nothing else, it'd guarantee the deserving, hard-working Cole some well-earned spotlight at WrestleMania. That, providing he won, can't be considered a bad thing.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.