10 Potential WWE WrestleMania 37 Opponents For John Cena

7. Sami Zayn

John Cena Seth Rollins WrestleMania 37

This, like the Mustafa Ali feud, has an easy story to tell because of Cena's past and Sami Zayn's current outbursts about conspiracy. The loudmouth ex-Intercontinental Champion has been promo-ing his ass off on SmackDown in front of a mock documentary crew, and he'd have a field day when attacking Cena.

'You're barely even here, John', he'd crow in between standard displays of complete cowardice. It'd be a straightforward narrative for WWE to spin. Better yet, they could just sit back and watch two mic masters do their thing and take the tale to new heights before even locking horns at WrestleMania.

Zayn would make this work.

He can afford to take a loss to Cena without losing much face too. In fact, a defeat would give Sami even more ammunition to work with on Friday nights after 'Mania 37. Then, he can spin off into a lesser feud against one of the regulars and continue his fun gimmick.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.