10 Potential WWE WrestleMania 37 Opponents For John Cena

4. Sheamus

John Cena Seth Rollins WrestleMania 37

This showdown depends on one thing.

If WWE are prepared to wait a while and position Sheamus opposite Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania, then it's impossible. However, if they're going to pull the trigger on the Irishman's WWE Title shot at either Elimination Chamber or Fastlane, then who knows. It's certainly an option.

Cena and Sheamus have history, but they haven't really interacted on screen for years (their last one-on-one bout came on the 14 September 2015 episode of Raw). There could be interest in a rematch from their TLC 2009 headliner (their last supershow meeting) come 'Mania 37 - it'd also be a neat way to reheat Sheamus after losing to Drew.

He'd have to come out on top, but that goes for a lot of names on this list if they're facing Cena. 'Big Match John' doesn't exactly need the win bonus in 2021, especially when he'd only scurry back off to Hollywood and TV after the pay-per-view anyway.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.