10 PPV Main Events That Killed WCW

4. WCW Championship Match: Kevin Nash vs. Jeff Jarrett - Great American Bash 2000

While the New World Order threatened to destroy World Championship Wrestling, both on-screen and off, the company could rest peacefully knowing that they were building at least one bright young star who could carry the company into the future. His name was Goldberg and despite the fact that the company had stupidly ended his undefeated streak in December 1998 (more on that in a moment), he was still a huge star in the eyes of the fans. More importantly, he was the biggest babyface star the organization had to offer. That is, until June 2000, when the decision was made to turn him heel. There was nothing really wrong with the main event between Kevin Nash and Jeff Jarrett at that year's Great American Bash. Big Sexy was among the most popular stars on the roster and Jarrett was the heel around which the entire show was being built. The reason that show's marquee match lands so high on this list is the nonsensical heel turn of the biggest home grown star the company had produced since Sting. Goldberg's spear of Nash late in the match essentially killed the company dead. The man who had helped retain a major portion of the audience despite WWE's Attitude Era helping them surge past the Ted Turner-owned company for first place in the ratings war, suddenly was gone and in his place was a heel whose motivations were forced, at best. There was no going back from the Goldberg heel turn. Sure, he would be a babyface again within a few months but the character that fans had known and love, and supported for two-plus years, had disappeared and he was not coming back. The last truly great and original star WCW had left was ruined by a singular decision made only to spike the following night's ratings, with no concern about the long term health of the company.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.