10 Precise Moments When WWE Attitude Era Careers Ended

5. Mideon

Ken Shamrock WWE Blood

At least Bart wasn't b*llock naked for the majority of his final few months in the fed.

Former devil worshipper Mideon was repackaged as an exhibitionist towards the end of his WWF career. "Naked Mideon" popped the roster watching backstage on monitors by invading matches in his birthday suit, and it was always going to be a short-lived thing designed to make people laugh.

Mideon's last hurrah on-screen came during Chris Jericho vs. Kane at Armageddon 2000. The pair brawled backstage and stumbled upon Mideon and Grandmaster Sexay (?!) chatting by some vending machines - Kane bumped into Mideon, then both he and Jericho battered the lower-carder with a few punches.

The company tried to rejig Mideon again after this. He worked a handful of dark matches under his old Tex Slazenger gimmick, then got let go a few weeks later. Wonder if the man got a pay-per-view bonus for appearing mid-Jericho vs. Kane?

Probably not.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.