10 Precise Moments When WWE Attitude Era Careers Ended

6. Bart Gunn

Ken Shamrock WWE Blood

Imagine WWE scheduled an MMA-style tournament today, told the workers to fight for real and then punished the dude who won it because he wasn't the one they thought would win. That's exactly what the then-WWF did with the disastrous 'Brawl For All' concept in 1998.

Bart Gunn hammered everybody in his path, but that wasn't supposed to happen. So, after months of sitting on the sidelines twiddling his thumbs, badass Bart was brought back as a sacrificial lamb for tough man boxer Butterbean at WrestleMania XV.

He got his arse handed to him by Bean, and it was a miserable end for Gunn's once-promising career.

Seeing refs and officials check on Bart as he struggles to stay conscious on the biggest stage is rather depressing now, especially when one knows that he was being punished for his success. Gunn did make some cameo dates after this, but nothing worth writing home about.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.