10 Predictions For John Cena Returning To WWE

7. Less Risk

Cena has missed so much time in the last year, and WWE won't want to lose him again. That means fans could see a much safer in-ring style for Cena's matches, as the company looks to keep its biggest asset healthy. This latest return needs to last.

He'd developed a habit of risky spots in the past year, including the springboard stunner and sunset flip powerbomb. These raised eyebrows at the time, often not looking especially safe in their execution.

The other thing that could be noticeable on his return is a leaner body. Heavy lifting and packing on muscle is thought to be what caused his shoulder injury in the first place. He'd actually function better as a pro wrestler without some of the muscle, and WWE aren't going to want him risking injury again with heavy lifting.

The Cena you'll see returning is one that will be playing it a lot safer in a bid to stay fit for the next year.

WWE Writer

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