10 Problems Only Wrestling Managers Will Understand

10. Do You Go Out Before Your Wrestler(s) Or Not?

Pro wrestling managers face a never-ending battle against their own performance, even before they step through the curtain. The main task of a manager or valet is to enhance the character of the wrestler or group they're representing. That should never change, but it does raise one very interesting point. Namely, who goes through the curtain first? Is it wrestler, or is it manager? On the surface, this one is easy, because the wrestler is the one doing most of the work. Therefore, should the manager simply be pleased to be associated with them? Many wrestlers like to go in front of the live crowd first, which is entirely understandable. In ICW, the grapplers are actually quite accommodating with this, recognising that the choice is contextual. There have been occasions when James R. Kennedy has went out first, holding the curtain for his charge. Sometimes, that makes sense, but there's always that niggling thought in the back of a manager's mind that they're stealing the spotlight from the wrestler. That's one thing managers are asked never to try and do, so even the most simple of decisions becomes a maddening battle.
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Bobby Heenan
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.