10 Problems Only Wrestling Managers Will Understand

7. Fans Claiming That You Block Their View Of The Ring

A major problem with ringside managers is that they're rarely inside the ring. Instead, managers are camped around the outskirts of the canvas, something which greatly irks a certain breed of grappling enthusiast. Even though managers are assuredly part of the action, despite their positioning, there are those people who believe they get in the way of the match. It's not uncommon for managers to hear the phrase, "Get out of the bloody way" when patrolling the ringside area. Watching older veterans such as Bobby Heenan and Jim Cornette, they would often position themselves in one of the corners, so that they restricted as little of the ring as possible. This comes with its own trials and tribulations, because a manager can't simply stand there like a dummy. No, the second has to rile up the crowd during slow portions of the match. During a 'double down' (a spot when both wrestlers are on their backs) for example, it's easy for the crowds attention to lull. That's because there's nothing of note happening inside the ring. At that point, a manager can be vital. Even though he/she may appear to be obstructing someone's view, there's nowhere else for them to really go. The ring is often off limits, so the ringside area is their work station.
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Bobby Heenan
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.