10 Problems Only Wrestling Managers Will Understand

6. Criticised For Bumping 'Like A Wrestler'

Before he was a solely a manager, Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan was also a professional wrestler. Pre-WWF, Heenan worked extensively for the AWA. Yes, he did manage early in his career, but Bobby also stepped foot between the ropes and grappled. According to the likes of Hulk Hogan, he was pretty damn good at it too. Why then was he criticised by some fans for bumping 'like a wrestler' in the WWF? In numerous show reviews, the writer will talk about how clean and crisp Heenan's bumps looked. Often, this is marked down as a criticism. There's a simple explanation for this, he knew how to wrestle and bump properly. It's difficult for managers to know where to draw the line. When a heel valet finally gets their comeuppance, there's a decision to make. Managers either sprawl across the ring awkwardly, or they take bumps professionally. It's a tough choice, because managers will be denigrated for doing both. If they don't bump 'properly', some people feel it looks unsafe and clumsy. If they do, it takes away from the fact that they're a manager, not a wrestler. This dilemma is a hard one to solve, because it's really up to personal opinion.
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Bobby Heenan
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.