10 Professional Athletes Vince McMahon Needs To Hire For WWE

6. Sebastien Chabal (Rugby League)

Conor McGregor WWE

Look at him. LOOK AT HIM!

There's just no reason that we shouldn't get to watch a man who looks like that clothesline the ever-loving s**t out of someone like The Miz for half an hour straight. Quite frankly, it's a little outrageous that we haven't already been afforded that opportunity as loyal viewers already.

The thing about a lot of athletes that the WWE brings in for any substantial guest appearance is that, by the time they've finished their stint, we realise that they aren't as tough as they look in their natural element. Anyone who watched Dennis Rodman "wrestle" immediately realised that one of the supposedly toughest guys in basketball was little more than a floppy carp who barely knew where his limbs were located.

There would be surely be zero questions regarding Sebastien Chabal's toughness once the match got underway.

At 38-years-old, Chabal is now retired from rugby, which would make him an easy get for the WWE. And quite frankly, after watching even a couple minutes of his game tape, he seems like the ideal candidate to pummel through mid-carders in a battle royal.

Seriously, this caveman should be throwing dudes over the rope with ease.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.