10 Promising Wrestling Feuds That Ended Too Soon

6. Shawn Michaels Vs. Rob Van Dam

shawn michaels jeff hardy

It just doesn't seem right that Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam were in the same promotion for five years, and only had one 10-minute match on free television which ended in a disqualification.

RVD interrupted the new World Heavyweight Champion's victory speech on the Raw following Survivor Series in 2002, and although the two baby-faces shared little animosity, this most definitely had the makings of a feud rather than a single match. Mr Monday Night was, after all, viewed by many as HBK's natural successor.

WWE had other ideas though, and it would soon become apparent that RVD was merely keeping the seat warm for Triple H, who promptly renewed his rivalry with Shawn Michaels at the next pay-per-view (now there's an example of a feud that lasted too long).
