10 Promising Wrestling Feuds That Ended Too Soon

7. Shawn Michaels Vs. Jeff Hardy

shawn michaels jeff hardy

It was during Hardy's five minute heel run in 2003 that he and HBK shared some heated words in the ring, the veteran taking the opportunity to lecture young Jeff on the dangers of "wasting potential" (if only he knew).

At the time, Shawn Michaels was slap-bang in the middle of a slow-build storyline with Chris Jericho, so a feud with Hardy, however brief, was never really on the table. In fact, they ended up on the same team just a couple of weeks later to take on the duo of Y2J and Christian.

True: nobody really wanted to see perennial fan favourite Jeff as a bad guy, but he and HBK could have produced some excellent matches - and it may have propelled the Charismatic Enigma to the main event much sooner.
