10 Promos That Totally Changed Your Opinion Of A Wrestler
1. Every Full Time WWE Wrestler In 2011
Before the promo:
WWE's 2011 roster possessed promise that couldn't materialise under the scripted confines of the booking and Vince McMahon's increasingly tentative and unambitious outlook. The star count had dipped; Shawn Michaels had retired, Batista had quit, and nobody was pushed in their place. This is key. Nobody was pushed, and if the individual Nexus members never had it beyond the whole, we'll likely never know. They did not try. Triple H acknowledged this in his infamous "We have no stars - let's fight!" challenge of the Undertaker's Streak in February 2011. He literally said "nobody" on the roster represented a challenge, and so the decision was made to go with the guy who turns stadiums into libraries literally half the time.
After the promo:
All of this was brought into focus by Triple H's Very Triple H promo, the subtext of which was "John Laurinaitis sucks at his job, I want it, and I also want the longest match at 'Mania".
Was he right? We were effectively asked to ponder this question: who else could Undertaker have worked?
FCW Cut Cookie A, B, C or D?
This was grim, counterproductive, unnecessary - but not inaccurate.