10 Promos That Totally Changed Your Opinion Of A Wrestler
2. Jake Roberts' Incredible Comeback
Before the promo:
Jake Roberts was known as an all-timer of a mic man who hadn't supported his claim in decades for the most understandable of reasons. Tormented by demons, that's a generous and empathetic way of describing the self-destruction projected outwards time and time again to the emotional turmoil of his family and the pockets of every promoter who booked him, not that those who did weren't themselves awful. Roberts locked himself into what seemed like an endless cycle of abuse before cleansing himself.
It was so improbable and so stirring that Roberts had restored himself that nobody entertained the idea of his returning to a prominent on-air role. Ultimately, we were happy for his happy ending. Roberts was a haunted man who had exorcised himself before this very week.
After the promo:
In a stunning development, Roberts returned to AEW. His words to Cody were perhaps another projection; his talk of "crying" and self-valour felt very pointed, and perhaps this was his way of thrusting himself back into the game. Roberts was a grizzled, menacing, wise presence who with his sure-to-be iconic last line somehow didn't rip off the classic movie line it resonated as.
Amazing in that it even existed, much less how amazing it was, Roberts, the cold-blooded snake, is giving us chills in 2020.