10 Questions Every True WWE Fan Has Asked Themselves

2. Did Anyone Really Think The Gobbledy Gooker Was A Good Idea?

Just...why? What in the...WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT THING? I don't care that it was 25 years ago. The question remains: Did someone actually think, in their heart of hearts, that taking weeks to hype a big friggin' egg, and then hatch that big friggin' egg, and then reveal a man in an exceptionally large turkey costume...THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ANYTHING OTHER THAN A TERRIBLE IDEA? I still refuse to believe that we've gotten an acceptable response from anyone about this goddamn Gooker debacle. In fact, there may not be any explanation that's long enough and detailed enough to justify that gigantic turkey popping out of that ridiculous egg. This question will never leave my mind. Ever.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.