10 Questions Every True WWE Fan Has Asked Themselves

3. Can We FORCE Our Aging Superstars To Retire In Peace?

Speaking of old people continuing to do things that they absolutely should not do, let's talk about the 85-year-old elephants in the room. Let's talk about the old guys who won't stop putting on tights. Nostalgia is a helluva thing. It's what keeps us from booing Ric Flair once he's made his thirtieth return to the WWE. (That and the fact that he's one of the greatest of all time that we would all be lucky to be in the same room with.) But maybe, as a society, we need to limit our nostalgia just a bit. Not for our own sake, but for the sake of the geriatrics who have no reason to go flipping over a turnbuckle anymore. I know that it must be really hard to stay away from the one thing in your life that you truly loved and were exceptional at. I couldn't imagine just up and stopping something that I used to dedicate every waking moment of my life to. But there comes a point when aging superstars have to say goodbye to the actual wrestling side of the business. Or we should reserve the right to say goodbye for them. Hell, did you know that Sting is 56-years-old? As great as it is to have Sting finally in the WWE, we should probably limit our expectations when it comes to how long he'll be around and able to perform at a high level. Undertaker also passed the half-decade mark this year. I know it'll hurt like hell to say goodbye to both of them but...maybe they should just limit themselves to cutting promos and doing the occasional Pay-Per-View?
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.