10 Questions Steve Austin Must Ask Stephanie McMahon On WWE Network Podcast
9. Are Her And Triple H Ready To Take Over From Vince?
Vince McMahon is the leader of the WWE. Everyone knows that. After all of this time and with many changes in management, creative and other personnel, one constant has remained: Vince. The WWE is Vince's baby and Vince's vision. He is the man who made wrestling what it is today and, according to most reports, he isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Vince will be running WWE until he is no longer physically able to. But Vince will step down one day, whether it is under his own free will or not. Are Triple H and Stephanie up to the task? They will be the next in line and have already been given increased roles within the company's corporate hierarchy. Many fans are chomping at the bit for Triple H to take over because he has a preference for wrestling and is a wrestling guy. Vince (and Kevin Dunn), meanwhile, are viewed as being out-of-touch by a lot of fans. Fans would love to know what Stephanie's vision for the future of wrestling is and how her and her husband are preparing for the inevitable, if they are even preparing at all.