10 Questions Steve Austin Must Ask Stephanie McMahon On WWE Network Podcast

6. Thoughts On CM Punk

This one's always going to be a hot-button issue. Over a year on from his abrupt exit from WWE fans are still fascinating by the events surrounding Punk's decision to leave. As he outlined in his now infamous appearance on Colt Cabana's Art of Wrestling podcast, a lot of his frustrations stemmed from dealing with Vince and Triple H backstage. How does Steph feel about this. She recently gave the old stock 'never say never' when asked by a reporter if Punk would be back, but what does she think of Punk the person? We've heard Vince and Triple H's opinions on Punk and it would be fascinating to see how similar or different Stephanie's opinion is. How much interaction did she have with Punk? Did Punk ever vent his frustrations to her personally? Does she really think that Punk will be back in the company, given everything that's happened since? Stephanie is an important figure backstage but has thus far kept quiet on the Punk situation. It would be really interesting to see her take on Punk. It's hard to imagine either is on the other's Christmas card list.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...