10 Questions Steve Austin Must Ask Stephanie McMahon On WWE Network Podcast
3. How Much Influence Does She Really Have?
Stephanie McMahon's official position within WWE is, as listed on their corporate website, 'Chief Branding Officer'. That means that Stephanie is:
responsible for leading WWEs efforts to further enhance its brand reputation among key constituencies including advertisers, media, business partners and investors. Stephanie serves as the companys brand ambassador and works with WWEs business units to support key growth initiatives
Of course, anyone who has observed WWE over the past fifteen years knows that she really does much, much more than that. But how much, exactly? Stephanie has been on the writing team since 2002, about the time that her husband Triple H went on the war path and started burying everyone in site. How much influence did she have over this? Basically people want to know just how much power Stephanie has within the company when it comes to creative direction, gimmicks, storylines etc. Austin, who must have worked with Stephanie in this capacity at some point, probably has his own opinions on the matter and could add his two cents to the matter. Does Stephanie write for herself? Who are her favourite and least favourite talents to deal with from a creative standpoint? This topic could branch off in any number of fascinating directions and it is definitely something that Austin should bring up, if they are to do a WWE Network podcast special together.