10 Questions WWE Doesn't Want You To Ask After Raw (Nov 16th)

1. Isn't It Too Soon To Finish Raw With A Divas Segment?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge supporter of the Divas Revolution, but ending Raw with a contract signing between Paige and Charlotte was clearly a huge mistake so soon into this thing. While Charlotte desperately tried to get some emotion across by talking about her deceased brother Reid, the whole thing came across as uncomfortable and awkward, something which was evident from the complete silence of the crowd. On paper, having Raw conclude with a brawl between these two was smart, but the fundamental problem here is that Paige is the wrong person for this storyline to revolve around. Despite being introduced as a fan-favourite, Charlotte has failed to get over in a major way, while Paige is still bringing the same stale material to WWE programming as she continues to flop between heel and face status as she did long before the so-called Revolution began. It should have been Sasha Banks squaring off in the ring with the Divas Champion, but even then, it was still a mistake for Raw to end with this segment. This isn't NXT, and fans haven't embraced women's wrestling to the point where this closing the show felt earned, especially when the entire PCB storyline has been horrible from start to finish. Paige's crack about Charlotte's brother also felt cheap and a desperate move to give this storyline some sort of impact. Of course, the company will no doubt hope fans are talking about how progressive it was of them to end Raw like this rather than what a mistake it was to do so this soon and with such a weak storyline.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.