10 Questions WWE Doesn't Want You To Ask After Raw (Nov 16th)

4. What, You Really Couldn't Give Cesaro A Chance?

There's no denying that the match between Cesaro and Roman Reigns was fantastic, but couldn't the WWE have found a way to at least get the Swiss Superman on the card at Survivor Series this Sunday? This match would have gone down much better on a grander stage and would have given Cesaro the chance to shine where it matters (the drama would have also been greater than it was here had this been a semi-finals match). It would be naive to think that Cesaro actually had a chance of beating Reigns at such an early stage of the tournament, and that just makes it all the more disappointing that the WWE couldn't have at least made it seem like a possibility by having him advance a little further in this competition rather than stumbling at such an early hurdle. Triple H's conversation with Cesaro before the match began actually teased us with the possibility that something big might be on the horizon for him, but going into Survivor Series, this is yet another special event one of the company's most talented athletes will be sitting out (something which is truly baffling after his awe-inspiring performance here). Alas, Cesaro's chances of becoming WWE World Heavyweight Champion continue to look slimmer and slimmer, making the Cesaro Section more meaningless than ever.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.