10 Questions WWE Doesn't Want You To Ask After Raw (Nov 16th)

5. Did JBL Seriously Just Tell Us To Try That At Home?

While some fans may enjoy chanting his name when they get bored, JBL is one of the worst things to happen to WWE's commentary team for a very long time. As if it wasn't already bad enough that he and Michael Cole wasted most of Tyler Breeze's match talking about lip balm instead of getting over the fact that Prince Pretty was smartly weakening R-Truth's leg, he did something supremely stupid later in the night. Following an impressive feat of strength by Roman Reigns which saw him powerbomb Cesaro to the mat, JBL shockingly suggested that fans try it at home to see how it feels! Is he really that stupid? Cole quickly covered up for that by advising fans to do the opposite, while JBL piped in with a lame excuse about why he said it. Even so, this was a genuinely surprising thing to hear on Raw after the WWE has spent years telling viewers to do everything but imitate WWE superstars at home. After all, it wasn't that long ago that a young child was killed after his mother's boyfriend performed the exact same move on him, so this is a line which will no doubt be edited out of replays and the match recap on YouTube as the WWE hope fans will forget they ever heard the commentator actually say something this moronic.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.