10 Radical Ideas To Save WWE's World Title

1. Turn John Cena Heel

It€™s been said so many, many times: everything about WWE takes on a new cast with a heel John Cena. Right now, he€™s €˜the face that runs the place€™, a main event star with the the WWE World Heavyweight Championship or without it. He€™s one world title reign away from equalling Ric Flair€™s record (although these things are all worked, obviously - Jerry Lawler€™s won a vast amount of world titles with the USWA and others, most of which are conveniently not recognised by WWE). When he is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, the John Cena character treats it like a prop: he€™s so used to being champion that having it or not having it doesn€™t appear to be an issue with him. That would all change with a heel Cena. A heel Cena could do in the storylines what so many fans insist he and others on top do all the time: kayfabe bury young, up and coming talent; hang onto the title by fair means or foul; treat title retention as the most important thing in his life. He could become head of a villainous stable, as Hogan did with the nWo, devoted to collecting and protecting WWE€™s championships. Defeating Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship wouldn€™t be like taking on Muhammed Ali or Roger Federer anymore - it€™d be like beating Cobra Commander, or Megatron. Quite apart from the sudden, revelatory change in creative that a heel turn would cause: John Cena as a bad guy completely changes the title picture. A heel John Cena doesn€™t just join the Authority: a heel John Cena might want to replace the Authority. A heel John Cena isn€™t just the self-appointed gatekeeper to the main event, but a deliberate obstacle. And imagine if the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion that a babyface Seth Rollins returned to feud with was John Cena, turned eeeeevil. The possibilities are vast: sadly, probably not vast enough to justify wiping out his drawing power at the box office and his merchandising power at live events. Still we can all still dream...
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.